content producer

Tâmisa Trommer

Tâmisa Trommer

content producer


Tâmisa Trommer is a multidisciplinary artist who portrays autobiographical memories with a bucolic signature. Born in Brazil in 1985, she reinterprets her understanding of life after tragic family events, strengthening her sensitive and escapist personality. Currently residing in Italy, she finds inspiration in idyllic landscapes to create her latest artistic body of work, exploring intertwined life cycles with her personal memories. Her works are part of the permanent collection of the Brazilian Museum of Engraving and have been exhibited in prestigious Brazilian institutions such as SESC Avenida Paulista, Sesc Pompeia, and Centro de Cultura Mário Quintana. Additionally, she has exhibited at the Bienais do Recôncavo Baiano (BR), Olho Latino (BR), and the London Biennale (United Kingdom). Among her awards, she has won 1st place at SESI Descobrindo Talentos (BR), 2nd place in the exhibition "The Magic of Transformation" (UK), and was nominated by Itaú Cultural as one of the outstanding artists from Brazil. Tâmisa Trommer holds a Bachelor's degree in Visual Arts from UFSM, one of the most prestigious educational institutions in Brazil, and a specialization in Surface Design, a pioneering field in the country, also from UFSM. Furthermore, she has a Master's degree in Design from UNIRITTER (BR). The artist is versatile, working across various mediums such as painting, drawing, mural art, and photography. In 2023, , she already has exhibitions booked at Milan and Gorle. Also, will perform at a live painting show Art Battle London.

Data de Nascimento: 06/09/1985

Origem: Santa Maria, RS, Brasil

Cidade Atual: Bérgamo, Itália

projetos de marcas
arte contemporânea